About The Author

Matthew Heneghan, author of the evocative memoir “A Medic’s Mind,” explores the demanding yet rewarding path from military medic to civilian paramedic, sharing his real-world experiences through a blend of candid storytelling and introspective reflection.

From his early days undergoing rigorous military medic training to facing the unpredictable challenges of emergency medical response in the civilian world, Matthew’s journey sheds light on the mental and emotional toll that comes with a life dedicated to saving others.

His writings delve into the heart of coping with trauma, battling PTSD, and navigating the mental health challenges prevalent among first responders. Matthew’s genuine narrative transcends the pages of his book and resonates through his engaging podcast, where he continues to share heartfelt stories and insights on mental health, often overlooked in the first responder community.

The transformative narrative of “A Medic’s Mind” offers readers a glimpse into the life-altering experiences that shape the mind and soul of a medic. Through his book and podcast, Matthew aims to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for the resilience and empathy inherent in those who choose a life of service in the face of adversity.

Matthew’s thoughtful exploration into the realms of paramedic experiences, mental health struggles, and the indomitable spirit of healthcare professionals provides a beacon of support and understanding for those with similar journeys.

Engage with Matthew’s compelling narrative through his book, podcast, and regular blog posts as he continues to advocate for mental health awareness, offering a sense of camaraderie and hope to fellow first responders and their loved ones.

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